Life and occupational skills training program
The life skills curriculum approach blends academics, daily living, personal/social skills into integrated lessons designed to help students learn to function independently in the IDF and in society. Training also includes social interaction through a variety of interesting activities and workshops, such as drama, sewing, cooking, sing-alongs, and nature hikes with a special emphasis on normative behavior, personal independence, a positive self-image, and controlling of oversensitivity.
Pre-induction training program
Pre-induction training begins with a 10-day course that includes grouping participants by professionals focus, preparing them for the encounter with the IDF, and preparing physically for their service.
Volunteering with the IDF
Special in Uniform participants then volunteer for several days a week with the IDF. They are bused to IDF bases, where they wear military uniforms and perform tasks according to their particular skills and the needs of the army including: computer quality control and disassembly and repair, preparation of gas masks, emergency warehouses, canteens and kitchens, printing shops, and more. Recruitment to serve as fully fledged soldiers.
Recruitment to serve as fully fledged soldiers.
Post Army, Training and employment opportunities program
Employment Program will provide a full range of services which enable our members to access and succeed in competitive employment. The program goal is to provide full access to employment through the provision of individual support services. Person-centered planning, meaningful job matches and inclusion in the Israeli workforce.